Control programming (Step7, TIA, Safety)
For control programming, we primarily use the programming tools and programming languages introduced to the market by Siemens.
The implementation of the programming requirements is usually done in our company.
Here, we prefer graphic programming, which enables our customers’ maintenance personnel to find and eliminate possible causes of malfunctions themselves at any time.
Visualization, SCADA (WinCC, TIA)
Depending on the requirements of the automated system, we use single-user visualizations or multi-user visualizations (client/server structure or cloud based). This is the basis for selecting the right HMI (Human Machine Interface).
The visualization is generally set up in a structured form. The operator can switch from overview screens to detail screens. For user identification we use the traditional method (user name, password) or transponder systems. A connection to the customer’s domain system is also possible.
Recipe systems (PM-Control)
In automation technology, recipe systems for standard operation or interlinked operation are used. Both recipe systems can be parameterized and programmed by us. For applications with recipe control, the recipe system is integrated into the visualization as an add-on. This has the advantage that the GMP conformity of the software network is maintained (Whitepaper).
Batch record system (PM quality)
In industry, a large number of different variants of batch records are in use (e.g. with/without setpoint table, with/without alarm table, with/without trend curves, etc.). We mainly use the add-on PM-Quality from Siemens for batch reporting.
In our applications, the batch protocol system is not only successfully used in the pharmaceutical industry, but also by our customers, where the topics of batch production, traceability, forward traceability and retention periods play a role.
For the programs and visualizations created by us, we carry out extensive tests in our company before commissioning. We test as many functions as possible at considerable effort. Especially systemic failures can be caused and eliminated very well. In this way, we ensure that the programming supplied by us can be put into operation on site at the customer’s premises with minimum effort. We therefore regard the commissioning at the customer’s site as pure commissioning of the system.
Commissioning follows the rules of IQ and OQ and covers all areas of programming and visualization, recipe control and batch logging.
IT systems and infrastructure
In addition to the HMIs, the control PCs and the corresponding network infrastructure, an automated system may also include higher-level systems such as domain controllers, long-term archiving systems, MES systems, etc.
This hardware and associated software are procured by us and pre-installed in our company. All conceivable functions and failure scenarios are subjected to our extensive in-house tests.
We see the commissioning on site at the customer’s premises as pure commissioning of the computer technology in the local network. The commissioning follows the rules of IQ and OQ and covers all areas of IT systems and infrastructure.
Remote maintenance
Fast reaction times are necessary to maintain the high-quality production of our customers in case of a breakdown. In order to support our customers in troubleshooting and error correction, all our automation systems are equipped with remote maintenance access. The access possibility depends on the security requirements of our customers.